
a fully qualified domain name consists of labels, concatenated using  . and terminated by  . (fqdn)

Old English netting, network, spider web, mesh used for capturing, also figuratively moral or mental snare or trap (n.)

remaining after deductions, earlier sense of trim, elegant, clean, neat (adj.)

derived from network, intended for organizations involved in networking technologies (gTLD), as a permanent exercice, a figure of style, is a document written under specific constraints

markup no objects were misused during
the making of this document

touched in the world as a single XML document, turned into XHTML for publication, then styled with id-less CSS and gracefully upgraded by it's own blend of vanilla JS

a few lines of php were put together to articulate a lightweight bloging engine and accomodate prototypes

~5k of (mostly) original texts

behavior when you have eliminated the JavaScript
whatever remains must be an..chors

8k of gracefully degradable, unobstrusive, commented, ES3-compatible JavaScript

navigation doesn't rely on JS or CSS but a set of anchors

dont be afraid, turn on javascript, it's been carefully crafted to make things silky-smooth

æsthetics no tags were floated or positionned during the rendering of this document, except for a bird-looking poem, which is kinda topical

~150 lines of handcrafted accessible responsive level 2 CSS

numbers used are prime or 22 44 (or golden ratio);

no CSS #id (?)

Proof of Concept

koncepto & realigo de æ

Bruselo · Belgio · Eŭropo